Todd Bio1


Todd has been married to his loving wife, Tricia for over 26 years and they have 2 daughters, Katelyn (21) and Alyssa (15). Their family enjoys worshipping and serving together as well as spending time outdoors with their new dog, Kiki. 

Todd loves all sports (especially Chicago Sports), and has played basketball, tennis, and golf, but his love is for soccer! He is a former soccer player, referee and coach. He has coached a variety of recreation and travel teams as well as JV and Varsity high school for 8 years.

Todd knows the joys and challenges of being both an athlete and a coach. He was greatly impacted by his high school soccer coach and understands the powerful influence that a coach can have and as a pastor and missionary he is grateful to be able to meet God where He is working - here in Sarasota County!

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